This was Unihack 2019!

Thank you for being part of the unihack 2019! We had a blast and really enjoyed working with all the creative, passionate and skilled teams. We definitely hope to see everyone again at the next Unihack.

The success of the unihack is thanks in large part to our sponsors who supported us with delicious chocolate bytes, boosting drinks which gave us wings and inspiring speeches. A special thanks goes out to the University of Bern, particularly the informatics department and domestic services who had a determining influence on the success of this event.

Below you find the best snap shots of the event, as well as other resources. Be sure to check out the report from uniaktuell!

«UniHack»: Selbstfahrende Roboter in 24 Stunden

Rund 20 Studierende nahmen am letzten Wochenende die Herausforderung an, in 24 Stunden einen selbstfahrenden Roboter zu programmieren. Trotz Schlafmangel wurde auch am Samstagnachmittag kurz vor Schluss noch eifrig getüftelt in der UniS. Ein Besuch am Hackathon «UniHack».
